Latest News - Spring Update


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Posted on March 2017


The scholarship programme has been a huge success and has helped many children continue their education.   We currently have 25 scholars at the school.  The Ebola crisis had a severe impact upon the schools, causing a 2 to 3 year gap in the children’s education.  Sadly some pupils died and others moved away to different parts of the country.  We are happy to say that we have awarded 22 new scholarships this year, bringing the total number of scholars to 47.


The photographs show the original group of scholars in 2009 and this year’s new additions. Scholarships are not awarded on the basis of need, because all the children are in need. Every year a scholarship exam is taken and those pupils demonstrating hard work and achievement are awarded scholarships.

If you would like to give a child a scholarship we could organise this for you. £175 will cover 6 years of education at the senior school. Please let us know if you can help a child. A standing order of £5 per month will enable us to give two children a scholarship.

Please email us on or call us on 01386 793271 and we would be happy to send you details.

Teacher Training 

Christiana King is the head teacher at the Zoe Carss Nursery school.  She visited the UK in 2009 to learn the ‘teaching through play’ system.  The photographs below show children participating in learning by play.   

At a recent trustee meeting it was agreed to help Christiana with the cost of a 3 year course she is attending on Child Education at Port Loko University College in the north of Sierra Leone, some 90 kms from Waterloo. She attends these classes during the school holidays which means this does not disrupt her teaching at the school and the course will make her better qualified to handle her work at the nursery.

Solar Panels


The solar panel installation at the Secondary School is now in need of upgrading because the batteries have lost their capacity to store energy from the panels.

We have already funded and installed two replacement inverters and regulators and are now investigating the cost of new batteries to complete the system.  One thing which is not in short supply at Waterloo is sunshine and solar must be the way forward.


We would like to thank our trustees, Sue Read, Margaret Mandrell, Rodger Robertson, Morlai Kamara and Kenneth Kromanty for their unwavering support at Waterloo Schools Charity.

Congratulations to Margaret who was nominated and shortlisted this year for ‘Unsung Hero’ in The Best of Worcestershire Awards in recognition of the work and time she gives to the community. 

Forthcoming Events

Dormston Arts Celebration
Saturday and Sunday 20th and 21st May
Dormston, WR7 4LB
The Waterloo Schools Charity began in Dormston in 2005 and we are delighted to tell you that we will be joining this weekend of fun and celebration.  There will be open gardens, a flower festival in St Nicholas Church, refreshments, a cake stall, calligraphy, photography and many other exhibitions.   Come and join us!

Trivia Quiz and Fish n chip Supper
Friday 8th September
Dormston Village Hall, WR7 4LB
7 pm for 7.30 pm start

By popular demand we are holding another quiz for Waterloo Schools, with a fish and chip supper.   We hope you can bring along a team for this fun evening.  To reserve a table (teams of 4-6) please call Anne Robertson on 01386 793271 or Sue Read on 01386 55389.  Tickets are £10 per person to include supper.  Children under 12 - £5.

Last year we raised over £1000 and are hoping to better this this year.  If you have any gifts or promises that we can use in the raffle, these would be gratefully received.

Could you spare £5 per month?

Without the incredible generosity from our donors, supporters and hard work of our Trustees, none of the building and restoration programmes and education projects we have undertaken in the last ten years would have been possible.  On behalf of the children in Waterloo Schools, a huge thank you!

Can you help us further?

The Charity needs your support at this time of need when so much of Sierra Leone is striving hard to get back on its feet after the Ebola disaster.  The students are eager to be educated and as we are sure you will be aware education is the way forward for children to achieve their potential.  Please consider making a regular donation for as little as £5 per month by completing a standing order form and sending it to us.    Please click on the link below, visit us on our website or contact us on any of the numbers given above.

Please help us to help themselves by donating, click here »



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