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Posted on January 2013

During my recent visit to Sierra Leone I was very pleased to see lots of progress in the three schools that we support in Waterloo. I talked to the Scholars and they asked me to thank you all for your continuing support and they promised to continue working hard at their studies.

Just a few of the Scholars.

The atmosphere was quite electric. Parents were frightened to allow their children out as the general election approached so little had been achieved until it was (peacefully) over but then the school came alive.

With well-equipped class rooms in science, family health and computers the students were keen to show me what they were doing. All students now learn computer skills; practice cookery and tailoring; and do actual scientific experiments.


This year two workshops have been built and as the tools from UK had just arrived we had our first Tec/Voc practical classes. Cupboards were reassembled to go in the store room and concrete blocks were made to complete the walls of one of the workshops.


In the primary school, all classes have their own book cupboard and teaching materials corner and the children enjoyed reading and replying to letters from local schools in Worcestershire.


Our nursery school now has two teachers and an assistant to look after 65 infants. I enjoyed our end of term, Xmas party when all parents brought food they had cooked and we all got stuck in!

Parents and children enjoy the new uniforms and shoes.

The government asked the school to take in twenty stray children who were living rough and begging on the streets of Waterloo so the charity has provided them with uniforms and shoes. Another twenty needy children also received uniforms and shoes.

The children join us in thanking you for your continued interest and support without which this encouraging progress would not be possible.




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