Ebola Update


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Posted on October 2015

As you will be aware, Ebola hit West Africa last year and claimed thousands of lives. Sierra Leone was undoubtedly the worst affected country. The schools supported by Waterloo Schools Charity closed in July 2014 for the summer holidays and only re-opened in March of this year. As you will know our chairman, Laurie Read, passed away in May of 2014 so we no longer have his invaluable knowledge and leadership. No information about the situation in Waterloo was received until June/July this year. We now know that several teachers and pupils died from Ebola as did the parents of many pupils at the Nursery, Primary and Secondary Schools.

The Trustees of Waterloo Schools Charity met in July to plan for the future work of the charity and to prioritise ways in which we can continue to help these pupils and teachers who have been through such a terrible experience and whose education has been severely disrupted:

1. There are 95 children affected by Ebola (either their parents or carers died) now living with relatives in Waterloo town so that they can still go to school. These families already struggle financially and yet have the love and generosity to take in another child. We are helping by sending them each the equivalent of £35 each year which will cover extra food, uniform and school fees.

2. The buildings are in a poor state – Africa’s climate is harsh, and regular maintenance is necessary as well as occasional improvements to the standard of the classrooms. As there is absolutely no funding for this from the Sierra Leone Education Department, it is important that our Charity steps in, and to this end we have agreed a programme of repairs and painting work needed at the Nursery and Primary Schools.

3. Scholarships - we already have a number of students in the Secondary School who are partly funded by supporters of the work of Waterloo Schools Charity and we want to continue and expand this programme.

So we are appealing to you to help in any of the following ways - can you:

  • Become a fundraiser for us? Tell your friends and family the story of the Charity? Host a Waterloo Schools event in your street?
  • Set up a Direct Debit? Just £5 a month would make a real difference! A regular income from Direct Debits would allow the Charity to plan for the future.
  • If you are on Facebook, share the wonderful story of the Waterloo Schools Charity.

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If you require any further information please do not hesitate to contact us on +44 (0)1386 553891 or you can visit our website at http://www.waterloo-schools.org/ for the latest information.